Courses for Employers
California routinely passes laws requiring additional training by employers, for employees. SSTC's 7-hour course designed to help employers comply with existing and future regulatory training standards for their organization.
Bloodborne Pathogens
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requires that all employees who might reasonably be expected to have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material receive training about bloodborne pathogens.
Bullying Prevention
Often ignored by employers, workplace bullying is a growing problem. Bullying is now four times more common than illegal discrimination and harassment, and has devastating long-term effects on both the workforce and on the employer’s bottom line. Still, many managers don’t know how to spot or handle bullying, and most employees don’t know how to prevent becoming a victim of bullying.
Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Prevention for Supervisors
If your company employs 50 or more people, California’s AB 1825 requires that you train your supervisors with an overview of the laws prohibiting harassment and other forms of discrimination, this course also helps supervisors recognize a potential “hostile work environment” and stops inappropriate behavior before trouble arises.
Injury & Illness Prevention Training
State and federal laws require companies to provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace. To accomplish this goal, regulations issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) specify that each employer must train employees to recognize and avoid hazards they are exposed to in the workplace. SSTC offers the American Red Cross injury prevention modules to meet this demand:
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